

Brogent to Sign another MOU with Kodansha, the Largest Japanese Publisher

ニュース  アーカイブJanuary 23, 2015

(From right to left,Yoshinobu Noma, President of Kodansha,;Ming-Ji Wu, Director General of Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs.Chu Chen, Mayor of Kaohsiung, Chung-Ming Huang, President of Brogent)

Kaohsiung-01/23/2015- Brogent Technologies Inc. (“Brogent” or the “Company”) signed another MOU with Kodansha Ltd. (“Kodansha”) to reinforce their cooperation in the entertainment market. Through the strength of media based attraction and the variety of contents, the MOU ensures that more impressive products will be introduced to the consumers by the two companies in the near future.

Brogent is the only company in Taiwan focusing on developing motion simulators. The company has built its reputation by the touching i-Ride flying theaters. The flying theaters “FlyOver Canada” and “Fuji Airways” have caused a great sensation, which made the longest waiting time for experiencing “Fuji Airways” up to 230 minutes.

In 2013, the fly-over series of i-Ride caught the attention of Kodansha, the largest Japanese publisher. In October the same year, Brogent signed the first MOU with Kodansha through the introduction of the Taiwan-Japan Industrial Collaboration Promotion Office, Institute of Information Industry. After the MOU signing, the two company started consistent discussion on the collaboration model on developing high value-added entertainment equipments, combined Brogent’s strong technology on motion simulators and Kodansha’s various content on famous comics themes. The first topic chosen is “Attack on Titan” (Shingeki no Kyojin.) With Kodansha’s support, Brogent has been authorized to produce the Attack on Titan themed film of i-Ride in October, 2014.

Today’s MOU will broaden the scale of the cooperation into all Brogent’s motion simulator production lines. Various Kodansha’s well-know publication will be vividly presented to the customers through Brogent’s technology know-how in media based attraction. Moreover, the MOU also ensure the launch of consumer products. Along with the motion simulators, a sales channel of consumer products will be established to enable customers to have a turn-key service.

The combination of two company’s strengths means a huge step ahead in promoting the cultural and creative industry in Taiwan. The MOU also sets an example of successful international collaboration, aiming on the effect of the integration of software and hardware. The MOU was signed by Chung-Ming Huang, President of Brogent, and Yoshinobu Noma, President of Kodansha, in the presence of Chu Chen, Mayor of Kaohsiung, and Ming-Ji Wu, Director General of Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The MOU signing ceremony is delightfully to have guests from various public and private sectors, including Mei-Yue He, Prime Advisor of Kaohsiung Government, Wen-Sheng Zeng, Director General of Economic Development Bureau, Kaohsiung Government, Jian-Min Zhao, Deputy Director of Export Processing Zone Administration, and Gary Gong, Executive Vice President Institute for Information Industry. The belief that the cooperation will make more amazing products possible is shared by the participants.
