Corporate Governance

Product Intellectual Property Management

Brogent established the Intellectual Property Management Policy and formulates a patent strategy in the R&D phase of new products. We periodically monitor patent publications in the industry of amusement rides manufacture, and invest funds for intellectual property rights application, maintenance, and external consultants (including but not limited to appointing external consultants to provide risk assessment opinions). These efforts provide positive benefits in preventing the risk of the Company’s products infringing on the rights of others, and in implementing the Company’s intellectual property rights assessment, application and maintenance policies.

We always check if any IPR is created and check the ownership of that IP right in contracts signed with third parties. The confidentiality level of documents must be labeled in accordance with the “Document Management Guidelines.” Documents should be delivered, copied, and retained according to their confidentiality level, in order to protect the intellectual property rights of the Company’s work results. Furthermore, we increase the R&D Unit’s knowledge of intellectual property rights and strengthen employees’ concepts of patents and trademarks through annual patent workshops and patent and trademark training sessions co-organized with external firms.